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Scalable, low-latency and accurate RFID counting algorithms have recently been proposed as a fundamental building block to support more complex query operations in a large-scale RFID system.

We describe a channeling analysis of the strain associated with ultra-thin (2-6 monolayers), epitaxial films of Ge embedded in Si.

Ion-channeling through the poly-Si gate is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations.

Continuously variable and independently addressable channelized dispersion is produced by an array of MEMS adaptable curvature mirrors employed in a novel optical configuration.

A channelled substrate barried heterostructure InGaAsP/InP laser is demonstrated which uses a semi-insulating InP base structure current confinement layer formed by organometallic vapor phase expit

Channelled-substrate buried heterostructure lasers have been fabricated with vapor phase epitaxial grown base structures and liquid phase epitaxial regrowth.

We studies chaos and nonlinear dynamics of single-particle orbit in the presence of an electrostatic wave excited in the magnetosphere.

Why is the trajectory of a ball easier to predict than the weather? What are the barriers to predictability?

The system under consideration is the Josephson junction circuit model with the supercurrent depending on the voltage. All terms other than the supercurrent are treated as small perturbation.

We develop a semiclassical theory of Coulomb blockade peak heights in quantum dots and show that the dynamics in the dot leads to a large modulation of the peak height.