
At Nokia we have a deep commitment to the health and safety of our employees and those who work with us. The trainings available provide guidance on how we must operate to meet our standards and to ensure everyone goes home safely at the end of the day.
Supplier Safety Capability and Enablement Training Series
The Supplier Safety Capability & Enablement 2024 training series is targeted to reach further into our Supplier base, building the needed competence and awareness.
This training series will positively impact safety behaviour and compliance with our Life Saving Rules and non-negotiable standards for the Last Mile People working on Nokia projects around the world.
With the code and QR code shown here, you can register your account and unlock the Supplier Training Series.
How to access Nokia Learn
If you already have a Nokia Support Portal SSO account
Click the 'Customer/Partner SSO button' in the Learn app or at the webapp
Once logged in, go to the menu, click 'My content' to redeem the code.
If you do not have a Customer/Partner SSO account:
You can request one, or you can create a Nokia Learn account in the app by clicking the 'Continue with e-mail' button.
Follow the registration steps. Add the registration code at the end of the procedure or navigate to 'My Content' to add it later.
Your registration code
How to download
Download the Nokia Learn app:
Open the app and register your account using a valid email* and the provided registration code.
*Every email will be verified for security reasons
You can also try the Nokia Learn webapp:
Supervisor training
As a Nokia Supervisor you have a very important job and this training will help you to do that job well. On completion of this training course you will understand what is expected of you as a Nokia supervisor; understand why Nokia non-negotiables and the Life Saving Rules are so important and be given the tools and training to help you ensure that these are followed on site.
- Supervisor's Training Presentation with Scenarios
- Supervisor's Toolkit - English
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Arabic
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Chinese
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Dutch
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Portuguese
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Russian
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Spanish
- Supervisor's Toolkit - Turkish
Making Tomorrow Safer
This course will help you understand why you need to consider your own safety and that of others in your daily work. To deliver innovative products and services for our customers there are things that some of our colleagues and suppliers must do, that if not managed places them at risk. This may not be something that you directly experience day to day, but it is an inherent part of our business, and decisions that you make may have an impact on other people that you don’t see.
- Making Tomorrow Safer – English
- Making Tomorrow Safer – Spanish
- Making Tomorrow Safer – Portuguese
Nokia Supplier Maturity Assessment (SMA)
The Supplier Maturity Assessment (SMA) is Nokia’s method of evaluating suppliers’ understanding of and capability to meet Nokia minimum expectations in relation to the management of high-risk activities. The SMA training materials will explain the controls that all suppliers need to have in place to meet Nokia minimum non-negotiable requirements and the scoring methodology used in the assessment.
New materials under development...
Security and privacy awareness training for Nokia suppliers
Security and Privacy matters relate to the daily tasks of everyone working for Nokia. This awareness training is for all medium and high-risk suppliers.
All employees who are processing/handling/working with Nokia information are expected to follow best practices during information management and are recommended to follow personal and company guidelines covered in the training materials.