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Extensive experimental investigations have been reported on the ion-induced motion of the interface between the crystalline and amorphous phases of silicon.

In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, namely deferrable scheduling, for minimizing imposed workload while maintaining temporal validity of real-time data objects.

This paper presents a high performance wireless system for interconnecting mobile users in a community of interest.

We present the first demonstration of all-optical phase modulation in the waveguides of an organic material (PTS-polydiacetylene).

A demonstration of an interactive editor for printed wiring board layout will be done.

This paper presents a simulation tool used to demonstrate the effects of 3rd generation wireless network access on IP-based multimedia applications.

Studies of the effects of rain on propagation at centimeter and millimeter wavelength have shown that attenuation by rain becomes more severe as the wavelength decreases.

Ontology-based information integration systems have been proposed to solve the problem of combining data residing at autonomous and heterogeneous sources.

Since the development of the low-threshold ( 7 r = -- 1 volt) metalgate p-channel Al 2 0 3 -Si02 I G F E T technology, 1 further technological advances have been made to improve circuit speed and i

This paper describes a heuristic for speeding up combinational logic by decreasing the logic depth, at the expense of a minimal increase in circuit size.

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