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We have investigated the theoretical properties of a dielectric- free superconducting coaxial cable with a magnetically levitated inner conductor.

Persistence is the preservation of a data object beyond execution of a program that creates or manipulates that object. The need for persistence gave rise to file systems and databases.

We present a transmission scheme for exploiting diversity given by two transmit antennas when neither the transmitter nor the receiver has access to channel state information.

Binary differential detection of FM has drawn a lot of attention in the past.

A novel differentially-driven dual-polarized antenna is proposed in this communication.

We consider a single-server queuing system where the interarrival times are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, customers are served in order of arrival, the service

Since the invention of delta modulation, considerable effort has been devoted to devising means of improving code efficiency without sacrificing the inherent simplicity of the analog-to-digital con

This memorandum describes a digital coder designed to provide superior performance for wideband audio applications at reduced transmission bit rates.

As the state of the art in electronics has advanced, so have the inroads of electronics into the loop plant as a supplement to or replacement for cable.1 The application of pair-gain systems to loo

Nearly half of the content of this book comes from my Rutgers doctoral dissertation. My original intent was that this book should be a repackaged PH.D.

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