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The design and development of a four multimode fiber cable for tactical application is described.

There has been a series of remarkable experimental and theoretical developments during the six years since the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect.

Herein we review several of the milestones in the experimental studies of the fractional quantum Hall effect.

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the interdomain routing protocol used in the internet. BGP is a protocol for enabling policy based routing.

Sample rate conversion is an essential scheme used in almost every radio design. Supporting sampling rates higher than the clock rates require parallel processing.

In this paper, we propose a frame erasure concealment algorithm based on reestimating gain parameters for a code-excited linear prediction (CELP) coder.

In this paper, a frame-synchronous level building (FSLB) algorithm is proposed for recognizing connected sequences of words.

A Frame-to-Frame Picturephone® Coder For Signals Containing Differential Quantizing Noise By D. J. CONNOR, B. G. HASKELL, and F. W.

We propose a hybrid packet- and circuit-switched network as a framework for a National Broadband (ATM/B-ISDN) Network.

Self-Organizing Networkss (SONs) introduce automation in Network Management (NM). Herein, SON functions automate the traditional NM tasks in the network.

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