Rapid frequency offset estimation is required in burst communication systems. High speed data systems in fading environments suffer from significant multipath spread.
The now well-known techniques introduced by Lyapunov have led to many very interesting results concerning the stability of time-varying nonlinear feedback systems governed by systems of differentia
We report the development of a novel laser spectrometer for high-sensitivity detection of methane and nitrous oxide.
This paper demonstrates a CMOS digital polar transmitter with flip-chip interconnection to low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) interposers.
The Itakura LPC spectral distortion measure, or the log likelihood ratio distortion measure, has been applied successfully to the recognition of noise-free or low-noise speech signals.
The Itakura LPC spectral distortion measure has been applied successfully to the recognition of noise-free speech signals.
This talk describes a VLSI device - Synchronous Protocol Data Formatter with time-multiplexed serial interface (SPYDER-T) to implement the ISDN primary rate interface.
Metro networks support increasing traffic volumes and evolving traffic profiles.
Wireless communication systems, at millimeter wavelength, require the use of low phase noise oscillator in order to reach high communication data rates.
During investigations of a multiband center-clipping process for use in reverberation reduction 2 it occurred to us t h a t this process, which can remove the effects of long-time reverberation or