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A vestigial-sideband 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (VSB-PAM4) scheme is proposed for intensity-modulated, direct-detect optical transmission and experimentally demonstrated to achieve 112Gbit/

A record capacity of 112 Tb/s with 14-b/s/Hz aggregate spectral-efficiency is transmitted over a 76.8-km seven-core-fiber using space-division-multiplexing.

We describe a new multicore fiber (MCF) having seven single-mode cores arranged in a hexagonal array, exhibiting low crosstalk among the cores and low loss across the C and L bands.

We report monolithically integrated 1 x 12 arrays of In sub 0.53 Ga sub 0.47 As OIN detectors and InGaAsP LEDs for use in long- wavelength optical communication system applications.

We report on monolithically integrated 1 x 12 arrays of InGaAs PIN detectors and InGaAsP Leds for use in long wavelength optical communication system applications.

Speech coders in the 12 to 16 kb/s range are now beginning to be used for a wide variety of applications in telecommunications.

AbstractWe experimentally demonstrate 12 x 12 multiple-input multiple-output mode multiplexed transmission over 130-km of few-mode fiber of a combined 6-space-, 2-polarization-, and 16-wavelengthdi

Goumlteborg and Malmouml are now joined by a cable system, 277 km. in length, with 3 attended and 4 unattended repeater stations at intervals of 30-40 km.

We report the transmission of 163-Gb/s MDM-QPSK-OFDM and 245-Gb/s MDM-8QAM-OFDM transmission over 74 km of few-mode fiber supporting 12 spatial and polarization modes.

We demonstrate record 12.3-Tb/s transmission capacity and record 3.2-b/s/Hz spectral efficiency using polarization multiplexed 85.4-Gb/s RZ-DQPSK at 50-GHz channel spacing in the C band.