We demonstrate 138 Tbit/s transmission over 6 spatial modes, 2 polarizations, and 120 wavelength channels carrying 16-QAM signals, over 650 km few-mode fiber, using low insertion and mode-dependent
We demonstrate 138 Tbit/s transmission over 6 spatial modes, 2 polarizations, and 120 wavelength channels carrying 16-QAM signals, over 650 km few-mode fiber, using low insertion and mode-dependent
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Isotope tracer techniques using 13C are employed to obtain information on how the alkyl reactants used in MOVPE affect heterogeneous growth processes and impurity incorporation reactions.
Optical pulses with time separation corresponding to bit rates of ~14 Gigabit/sec (NRZ) have been produced at lambda = 1.32 micron with a Ti:LiNb03 broadband traveling-wave directional coupler modu
We demonstrate 14.5Tb/s bidirectional transmission over 2.2km of OM2 fiber using selective excitation of 4 mode groups, WDM multiplexing and direct detection.
We demonstrate 14.5Tb/s bidirectional transmission over 2.2km of OM2 fiber using selective excitation of 4 mode groups, WDM multiplexing and direct detection.
We demonstrate 140 Gbaud intensity modulated direct detection dispersion-unmanaged links with Mach Zehnder modulator and distributed feedback travelling-wave electro-absorption modulator over 5500
We report on coherent transmission of beyond 100 GBd signaling based on plasmonic technology.
We report on an on-off keying intensity-modulation and direct-detection C-band optical transceiver capable of addressing all datacenter interconnect environments at well-beyond 100Gbaud.
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