Software routers are popular for lower-layer packet processing because of their modular and extensible design.
A programmable DSP(TM) with 32b floating point arithmetic has been fabricated in 1.5micron (Leff) NMOS technology. The data path is 32b and the DSP implements an extensive 32b instruction set.
A programmable polarization-mode dispersion emulator is demonstrated. First and higher-order PMD is systematically generated.
The main purpose of this investigation is to explore the feasibility of using an advanced microprocessor and some general purpose shift logic to provide a programmable protocol controller.
There is no abstract just a series of viewgraphs.
Let P be a set of n points on the euclidean plane.
Electrical networks frequently consist of a set of modules (beamleaded chips, DIPs, etc.), and a set of electrical interconnections or "nets" among two or more modules.
A novel transmission scheme is developed for the downlink frame of cellular networks.
The proportional hazards (PH) energy is introduced as an energy term in the PH Arrhenius model.
The requirements and some of the problems associated with a global short-wave broadcasting system are briefly discussed and an outline is given of proposals for such a system.