A relatively large percentage of telecommunications equipment on the market exhibits one or more of the ground system related deficiencies discussed in this paper.
We propose a technique for cooling optically trapped atoms to micro-kelvin temperatures, and lower, using the dipole force of resonance-radiation pressure.
Bell Operating Company plans to provide virtual T1 services based on the deployment of central-office-based switching T1 multiplexers could undermine AT&T Network Systems sales of prominent tra
The subject of this paper is a proposal that high order derivatives of the I-V characteristic be used to stabilize the dc bias of an injection laser at threshold.
We propose a method for an analysis of the angle-resolved photemission data in two-dimensional anisotropic superconductors which directly yields the spectal function of the bosons mediating Cooper
The advent of Software Defined Networking SDN is becoming strategically critical for telecom datacom and information cloud Service Providers worldwide.
A research prototype switching system is proposed that features semi-independent TDM modules connected through a photonic TMS center-stage.
A digital encoding format based on the CD (Compact Disc) format is proposed for storing digital information (both audio and data) within analog video signals.
This paper describes and analyzes a proposed semiconductor diode designed to operate as an oscillator when mounted in a suitable microwave cavity.
This paper proposes a methodology for optimizing resource allocations within a real-time information system, given the availability constraints.