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A same-frequency cellular repeater is proposed that uses adaptive signal processing to cancel the feedback path, thereby allowing high gain while maintaining stability.

In a previous paper we described a way to halve the channel capacity required for the subjectively satisfactory transmission of an 8-bit PCM television signal by exchanging spatial and temporal res

AT&T's objective is to offer and provide high quality service to its customers at reasonable costs.

In this paper, we present the architecture of a new SAT solver using reconfigurable logic and a virtual logic scheme.

Communication satellite systems experience predictable service interruptions involving the sun.

An Internet-of-Things (IoT) system supports a massive number of IoT devices wirelessly.

The fifth generation of mobile networks is expected to become the key enabling technology for new services and businesses in the Internet of Things realm, including automotive and industry communic

Architectures for high-speed switches have been intensely studied over the past few years due to the need to rapidly scale switch capacities to match the large capacity increases in optical transmi

Many Internet multicast applications such as teleconferencing and remote diagnosis have Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements.

Convergence of time-sensitive machine control networks as part of the operational technology (OT) with the ubiquitous information technology (IT) networks is an essential requirement for the ongoin

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How Nokia Bell Labs re-conceptualized the cellular network for the Moon


The importance of connectivity in the future space economy