Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs) are used to provide high bandwidth at a reasonable cost.
An efficient, self-consistent Monte Carlo (MC) simulator has been developed suitable for general silicon devices, including those with regions of high doping/carrier densities.
In electronic computing machines, where a high degree of availability is a requisite, some form of self-repair is provided.
A method of resolving XPS spectra into surface and bulk component spectra for cases of moderate energy resolution is designed based on an analysis of a family of spectra acquired at different polar
We propose a crossbar network that employs optical interconnections between optoelectronic switching nodes.
A n t e n n a directivity has become widely used to provide a high effective radiated power with only modest t r a n s m i t t e d power, particularly at microwave frequencies where a n t e n n a s
Autonomous agents such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have a great potential for deployment in next generation wireless networks.
A Stochastically Excited Linear Predictive Voice Coder[1] with application in the 4.8 to 9.6 Kb/s range is described.
To address the problem of semantic heterogeneity, there has been a large body of research directed to the study of semantic mapping technologies.
In spite of the importance of well-understood semantics for knowledge representation systems, proponents of default logic have tended to ignore the lack of a general model-theoretic semantics for t