Robot systems composed of sensors and actuators must operate in rapidly changing environments. We describe an approach to compensating sensor, processor, and actuator latencies.
The authors compare both theoretically and experimentally an optical and an electrical method for determining the noise factor (NF) of optical amplifiers.
In a network of large number of devices, we address the problem of estimation of the probability distribution of quantities measured by the set of nodes in a geographical area.
We obtain accurate density functional theory exchange and correlation potentials V xc(r) and their gap discontinuities from an exact relationship with the self-energy.
A component finding wide usage in the bus-oriented architecture of today's computer systems is the tristate driver. A typical arrangement is shown in Fig. 1.
Advances in instrumentation used for particle compositional analysis have enabled real-time identification and classification of individual particles.
Atomic compositions of individual particles of sodium chloride, ammonium sulfate, and silica are measured in real-time using an aerosol mass spectrometer.
A simple self-referenced nondestructive method is proposed for measuring the cutoff wavelength of microstructured optical fibers (MOFs).
In the conventional sense, a passive intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is perceived as an ideal phase shifter to the incident signal.
A Finite Difference Time Domain approach is used to design and optimize QWIPs optoelectronic devices.