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This paper generalizes the information theoretic achievable rate analysis of time (slot length) adaptive and non- adaptive incremental redundancy (IR) hybrid ARQ (HARQ) of earlier works to bandwidt

The maximum achievable rate or mutual information of multidimensional multisphere distributions in arbitrary dimensions in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise is derived.

This paper investigates the achievable sum rate of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems employing linear minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receivers.

This paper give an overview of some recent results obtained by Alcatel-Thales III-V Lab using emerging AlGaN/GaN HEMT technology.

Increasing the InAs mole fraction in this Ga sub (1-x) In sub x As layers on InP beyond the lattice matched value of x = 0.53 has been shown conclusively in recent years to yield superior materials

The deposition of AuSn solder at the eutectic composition (80 wt.% Au, 20 wt.% Sn) on a wetted, chemically inert metallic barrier has been studied in relation to its use in optoelectronic packaging

More than a decade ago, DRIE (Deep Reactive Ion Etching) of silicon appeared as a key enabling technology for the emerging MEMS industry.

This paper presents the evolution of the DRIE of silicon over the last decade.

A new control plane recovery mechanism for optical User Network Interface is proposed to support ingress nodal failure in this paper.

In this paper we take a closer look at the operation of software defined networking (SDN) in intra-domain networks.

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