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Active mode-locking in broadband Quantum Cascade (QC) lasers with a repetition rate of about 14.3 GHz has been achieved through the modulation of the laser bias current.

Active mode-locking in broadband Quantum Cascade (QC) lasers with a repetition rate of about 14.3 GHz has been achieved through the modulation of the laser bias current.

A 1.0-cm long monolithic extended-cavity laser has been fabricated and actively mode-locked at a repetition rate of 4.4 GHz.

Composite-cavity lasers using single-mode fiber external resonators have produced short mode-locked optical pulses at very high repetition rates.

Composite-cavity semiconductor lasers using integral single- mode fiber resonators are capable of producing short-duration mode-locked optical pulses at very high repetition rates. 

Monolithic and mono-section InAs/InP quantum dot Fabry-Perot laser diodes are fabricated and characterized in an actively mode-locked mode for ultra-stable clock signal generation.

(Title orginally issued as An Active Network Approach to Network Management" Active networks is a framework where network elements, primarily routers and switches, are programmable.

DARPA and the NSF are encouraging research on active router networks.

Active noise control (ANC) is achieved by introducing a canceling "antinoise" wave through an appropriate array of secondary sources.

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