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We review recent progress on advanced modulation formats for backbone optical networks.

We review recent progress on advanced modulation formats for backbone optical networks.

We show that novel modulation formats enabled by digital coherent receivers can significantly reduce the required received optical power in Free Space Optical (FSO) systems, thereby enabling links

Advanced optical modulation formats have become a key ingredient to the design of modern wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) optically routed networks.

New integrated monitoring concepts for physical layer supervision of optical access networks are presented.

Fiber-optic communication systems form the high-capacity transport infrastructure that enables global broadband data services and advanced Internet applications.

High-speed optical transmission systems are increasingly building on digital signal processing and digital communication techniques that are well established in radio-frequency communication system

Since the publication of the fourth volume of the book series Optical Fiber Telecommunications in 2002, high-speed opt transmission systems have increasingly been building on techniques that are we

The properties of the RF spectrum allow dispersion-independent monitoring of the incoherent noise and bias drift of the data modulator in differential phase-shifted keyed (DPSK) systems, which are

Systematic improvements in integrated circuit package technology have been required over the past 25 years to meet the increasing needs for device IOs, signal bandwidth and heat dissipation.

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