Pulse generation from a mode-locked single-section 1.55 mum quantum-dash FP laser is demonstrated under continuous-wave operation.
We demonstrate direct modulation of a heterogeneously integrated C-band DFB laser on SOI at 28 Gb/s with a 2 dB extinction ratio.
We employ a ray tracing framework to extract the three dimensional (3D) channel parameters characterizing outdoor small cell deployments providing services to indoor users close to the exterior wal
We demonstrate a monolithic InP modulator that produces 28-Gbaud square or hexagonal 16QAM using four integrated amplitude/phase modulators.
Using an integrated coherent front end, four high speed ADCs and powerful FPGA, a fully reprogrammable coherent receiver is reported and impact of various parameters on system performance are measu
Using a basic heterostructure design with appropriate contacts diffused to the AlGaAs/GaAs interface, a 2D high mobility hole channel can be populated through field effect using a simple layered to
In order to investigate the coalescence and out-of-plane jumping of two incompressible droplets on a non-wetting surface surrounded by an incompressible fluid with matched viscosity in the low Ohne
We have studied the sensitivity to boundary conditions of wave functions in the lowest Landau level for the two-dimensional non-interacting electron gas in high magnetic fields.
One- and two-dimensional heteronuclear H-1 - C-13 and homonuclear H-1 NMR experiments have been examined for their usefulness in establishing stereochemical sequence assignments in poly (vinyl chlo
Two dimensional nuclear Overhauser experiments (2D NOE) have been used to study the conformational and dynamic properties of a 20 amino acid alpha-helix of poly-gamma-benzyl L-glutamate (PBLG).
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