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In this letter, we report on up to 300-Gb/s real-time all-fiber-based optical eye-diagram measurements with 1.6-ps temporal resolution and 5-11z refresh rate by all-optical sampling using parametri

We present experimental results for mode-multiplexed WDM transmission over OM3 multimode fibres. We transmit 60 WDM channels and 3 spatial modes over a distance of 305 km.

A modelocked Nd:YAG laser has been demonstrated with a .5 GHz repetition rate, a 31 psec pulsewidth, and 4 watts of average power.

We transmit 78x400Gb/s PDM-64QAM 50GHz-spaced channels over one 90-km SSMF span with real time transponder, transporting 31.2 Tb/s with 8 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency

The use of four in-line semiconductor laser amplifiers is reported in an optical fiber transmission experiment.

Neuroblastoma cells were seeded on Cytodex III microcarriers, put in the life-support system, which was put into a NMR 360 WB magnet and superfused with a growth medium supplemented with 10 mM crea

We demonstrate a record spectral efficiency per fiber core of 32 bit/s/Hz over 59 km of few-mode fiber supporting 6 spatial modes.We transmitted 12 space and polarization modes each carrying 32WDM2

We transmit 32 WDM channels over 12 spatial and polarization modes of 177 km few-mode fiber at a record spectral efficiency of 32 bit/s/Hz.

This study reports a colorless/directionless wavelength routing Optical Cross-Connect (OXC) based on multicast switch partially equipped with variable splitters, to achieve a 32-degree OXC with neg