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Single-channel transmission at 320 Gbit/s is demonstrated over record length of 200 km (2 x 100 km) of nonzero-dispersion fiber.

Single channel transmission at 320 Gbit/s is demonstrated over record length of 160 km (2 x 80 km) of nonzero-dispersion fiber.

Single channel transmission at 320 Gbit/s is demonstrated over record length of 160 km (2x80 km) of nonzero-dispersion fiber.

Single-channel transmission at 320 Gb/s is demonstrated over record length of 200 km of nonzero-dispersion fiber.

We demonstrate coherent WDM transmission using a quantum-dash mode-locked laser diode with resonant feedback. We report a line rate of 12 Tbit/s (32QAM 60×20 GBd PDM) over 75 km SMF.

The transmission of 32 wavelengths with a 50-GHz spacing and modulated at 10 Gbit/s has been demonstrated over 6150 km. The bit error ratio of the 32 channels is 5.10-9

A 32×10 Gbit/s transmission experiment over 8000 km has been carried out using hybrid optical amplifiers composed of Raman and erbium doped fiber amplifiers.

A fully reprogrammable coherent receiver using an integrated coherent front end, four high speed ADCs and powerful FPGAs is reported and tested against optical noise level, chromatic dispersion and

We report the first demonstration of 340 Gb/s, 50 GHz DWDM straight-line transmission over 6380 km with performance fully consistent with transatlantic plant installation

We demonstrate a 47-port wavelength selective switch for ultra-wideband transmission supporting continuous switching between 1300 nm and 1565 nm with insertion loss between 4 and 12 dB.