Using reciprocity we find that a compact range can in principle measure the same return from a target as would be measured by an antenna irrespective of whether either the antenna or the target lie
The frequency analyzers described in this paper and in the paper immediately following, demonstrate in an unusual manner how a single fundamental principle may be employed to accomplish quite dissi
This work presents a simple mobility scheme for IP-based networks, termed the ``anchor chain{''} scheme. The scheme combines pointer forwarding and caching methods.
A review of the field of lightness perception from Helmholtz to the present shows the most adequate theories of lightness perception to be the intrinsic image models.
Logic programs have been known to contain various kinds of parallelisms, most notably the AND- and OR-parallelisms.
This paper describes an interpreter which exploits the And- and Or- parallelisms in logic programs following a process-based parallel execution model.
The area of statistical graphics has progressed well beyond static displays with dynamic graphics playing an increasing role in teaching and data analysis.
We provide a simple to use mechanism to animate statistical graphs in a common and widespread computing environment (UNIX(R)). Our starting point consists of two existing software systems.
The growing popularity of over the top (OTT) video streaming services has led to a strong increase in bandwidth capacity requirements in the network.
This work explores stress dependent oxide breakdown using a comprehensive and unique numerical model that integrates, for the first time, the two leading theories of oxide breakdown: the theory of