While moving towards next generation wireless technology, virtualization is a key pillar among major enablers.
The merger of the telecommunication and computer technologies has led to a whole new era in information systems.
This paper investigates connections between (non-blind) Wiener receivers and blind receivers designed by minimizing the constant modulus (CM) cost.
We compared the energy efficiency of Multi-Layer Bypass and Direct-Bypass On-Off design under daily traffic variations in 100G and 40G networks.
We have established that the practical approach of excessive impurity additions, widely used to eliminate dislocations in the LEC growth of InP, is in complete accord with the quasi- steady state h
A common approach to finding features in digitized lines is to estimate the curvature along the lines and determine the features from the curvature plot.
We present an efficient method for computing the steady state probabilities of a finite capacity queue with exponential service, Poisson arrivals, non- preemptive priority scheduling, and common or
A large p a r t of present-day d a t a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s systems utilize bin a r y frequency-shift channels for transmission.
In this article the difficulty of guarding against false rejection of the null hypothesis in subset regression is illustrated by the analysis of othogonal array experimental designs.
The main problem in conventional interconnections is that the finite conductivity of metals limits the useful length of a signal transmission line.