A curve-fitting algorithm for analyzing single-mode lightguide 1.2-1.6 micron spectral loss data is described.
Tracking people and objects indoors from signal strength measurements has applications as diverse as security monitoring, self-guided museum tours, and personalization of communications services.
The need to automatically locate the beginning and end of a speech utterance frequently arises in speech processing for automatic speech recognition and speaker verification.
As discussed in previous works, 1 2 the implementation of F I R filters using finite precision arithmetic has become an important issue in recent years.
One of the main implementation disadvantages of a multicarrier communication system is the possibly high peak to average power ratio of the transmitted signals.
We consider a minimax problem in which each term of the objective function is a monotone decreasing, invertible function of a single decision variable.
Many algorithms for network linear programming problems with non-network (side) variables maintain a working basis for the basic side variables and a tree or forest data structure for the basic net
This article considers an algorithm for solving electrical networks which consist of linear and nonlinear resistors and independent sources and where the current-voltage relation of each of the non
Heusch introduced the notion of pure implicational formulas. He showed that the falsifiability problem for pure implicational formulas with k negations is solvable in time O(n(k)).
This paper introduces anew type of finite state machine (FSM) - The FSM based on inexact inference expert system.