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In order to provide for more efficient means of handling the changing needs of voice, data and image traffic, AT&T has introduced the Integrated Access Cross-Connect System (IACS).

An optimal plan for a toll telecommunication network is obtained through an integrated and comprehensive planning scheme.

Internet traffic engineering is defined as performance evaluation and performance optimisation of operational IP networks. The definition covers both planning and routing optimisation.

Hybrid in-band on-channel digital audio broadcasting systems deliver digital audio signals in such a way that is backward compatible with existing analog FM transmission.

We demonstrate an integrated high-speed 1X4 switch array on InP-substrate using digital Y-branch switch elements with a bandwidth of 8 GHz.

We report the first integrated photodetector-preamplifier circuit implemented with InP/InGaAs heterojuction bipolar transistors.

Efficient management of a distribution system requires an integrated approach towards various logistical functions.

Safety considerations in MCOVD center on the highly toxic and flammable compounds used for film growth.

A new, fully integrated long wavelength laser transmitter has been developed which operates over a wide bit rate (1 kb/s, 1010 pattern to 1 Gb/s, NRZ) and a wide temperature range (-65C to +85C),

In this paper we present the performance of a component-level transmitter design which operates up to 3Gb/s, NRZ and incorporates a sub-micron silicon NMOS laser driver.