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Temporal solitons are optical pulses that arise from the balance of negative group-velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation.

We consider a model which is motivated primarily by the problem of efficient "packing" of virtual machines into physical host machines in a network cloud.

We consider a service system with multiple classes of input requests (customers).

We consider a service system model primarily motivated by the problem of efficient assignment of virtual machines to physical host machines in a network cloud, so that the number of occupied hosts

A data-base management system has been applied to the management of test results in the development of an integrated-circuit (IC) memory device.

The evolution toward emerging active distribution networks (ADNs) can be realized via a real-time state estimation (RTSE) application facilitated by the use of phasor measurement units (PMUs).

We present an information-theoretic framework for network management for recovery from nonergodic link failures.

In this paper, we describe an InGaAs/InP heterostrcuture bipolar transistor differential transimpedance amplifier with high bandwidth of 47 GHz and high gain of 56 dB-ohms.

In this paper, we describe an InGaAs/InP heterostrcuture bipolar transistor differential transimpedance amplifier with high bandwidth of 47 GHz and high gain of 56 dB-ohms.

Return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying applications require a differential amplifier with high bandwidth, high gain, low noise, and good input impedance match.