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Recently, the proportionate normalized least mean square (PNLMS) algorithm was developed for use in network echo cancelers.

In this letter, a novel multiple access protocol suitable for packet voice transmission over TDMA-based wireless networks is introduced.

An automated analysis of all reachable states in a distributed system can be used to trace obscure logical errors that would be very hard to find manually.

The scheduling problem consists of finding a common 1 in two remotely located N bit strings. Denote the number of 1s in the string with the fewer 1s by espilonN.

In this paper, a novel relay selection scheme is proposed for the wireless network with multiple half-duplex relay nodes, which improves relay throughput by selecting more than one relay nodes in e

Goodman, Greenberg, Madras and March gave a lower bound of n(-Omega (log n)) for the maximum arrival rate for which the n-user binary exponential backoff protocol is stable.

An improved substrate current model for deep submicron MOSFETs, suitable for circuit aging simulation, is developed.

HE Bell System is now introducing a new and improved common battery telephone set, intended to supplement the present well known combined set first introduced in 1937.1 · 2 In view of the establish

Gravitational and spherical aberrations in thermal gas lenses are known to cause distortions of light beams with gaussian intensity distribution.

H E R E are now in service in the Bell System approximately 750,000 miles of telephone circuit which are furnished by carrier systems.