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With the increase of the mobile network complexity, minimizing the level of human intervention in the network management and troubleshooting has become a crucial factor.

With the increase of the mobile network complexity, minimizing the level of human intervention in the network management and troubleshooting has become a crucial factor. 

An Improved Antenna for Microwave Radio Systems Consisting of Two Cylindrical Reflectors and a Corrugated Horn By C.

Automatic speech recognition using only the acoustic signal is unperfected and computationally expensive.

The introduction of frequency dependence in system level nonlinear behavioral models is of prime importance as wideband signals are going to be massively used with nonlinear SSPA.

This paper describes a new cell model that enables a constraint- graph hierarchical compactor to determine cell-to-cell apacing constraints.

One of the outstanding characteristics of the 500 type set is a 10 db increase in combined transmitting and receiving performance on long loops.

T h e m i c r o w a v e w a v e g u i d e b a n d - r e j e c t i o n filter ( B R F ) n o w used i n m a n y r a d i o s y s t e m s h a s m a n y u n d e s i r a b l e f e a t u r e s .

The success of the Internet owes immensely to the hierarchical architecture of domain name system (DNS) that maps domain names to IP addresses.

The generalized assignment problem (GAP) examines the minimum cost assignment of n jobs to m agents such that each job is assigned to exactly one agent subject to an agent's capacity.