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Multiservice communication networks provide integrated digital services by packetizing all traffic and deploying a packet-switched network.

HE telephone transmitter serves to convert sound waves into their electrical facsimile; but in performing this primary function the transmitter also acts as an amplifier.

The rapid introduction of new voice services, feature options, and tariff rates by AT&T has brought about changes in the way the company markets its voice communications products.

This paper describes an expert system decision support tool that was developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories to help AT&T account teams in selecting the best solution for their customer's voice

This paper considers a general class of discrete time systems with batch arrivals and departures.

If two random variables depend on only one common parameter, such as time or distance, conventional correlation formula can be applied to the two variables.

Extended factories consisting of geographically dispersed independent production facilities are already a reality in the global economy.

This paper presents a modified parallel-circuit class-E amplifier that accommodates devices with larger output capacitances, recovering the class-E operating conditions.

Existing session typing systems have limited support for polymorphic typing.

HE Heaviside operational calculus postulates at the outset that the initial (boundary) conditions at reference time / = 0 are those of equilibrium; that is to say, the system is at rest when sudden