1 2 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL duction of a properly formed standard pulse, free of noise, to correspond with each received pulse, even though the latter may be considerably misformed.
An Experimental Optical-Fiber Link for Low-BitRate Applications By W. M.
The system has single fiber input and output, each carrying N time-multiplexed channels.
The system interchanges data from time-slots in its input to time-slots in its output.
The need in future telephone systems for a signaling method of significantly higher speed that that provided by the familiar dial or even by the intertoll multifrequency system 1 has led to a resea
The Boll System has a wealth of experience in frequency division systems.
261 261 262 263 264 266 267 268 269 270 270 272 273 274 279 280 282 284 286 287 288 290 291 The equipment which provides for the switching of telephone connections has always been located in what h
An Experimental Speech Storage and Editing Facility By N. F.
We report system parameters measured on a 23-mile, atmospheric, optical-transmission path.
Large microwave antennas of high efficiency and low noise are desirable in radio astronomy, in tracking of space probes and in satellite communications.