L APLACE has given us, in the Theorie Analytique des Probabilities, Book I, Part II, Chapter I, a method of approximating by means of series to the value of a definite integral of the type I = j f
In this paper, we describe an experience in estimating fault coverage of a test sequence designed to test the control portion of a protocol.
In its 1985 election for council The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) ran a test of approval voting by sending a non-binding approval ballot to its members along with the regular plurality b
From May to October 1986 members of the Undersea Systems Laboratory and the Computer Technology Research Laboratory of AT&T Bell Labora- tories worked together to apply the executable specifica
Crowding of the frequency spectrum is forcing designers of microwave communication systems to use higher frequencies and to give serious consideration to orthogonally polarized waves for increasing
Measurements have been made on an indoor, wireless communication system using direct-sequence spread spectrum and differential phase shift keying modulation.
Elsewhere in this issue is a description of an experimental digital transmission terminal which has been used to demonstrate, among other things, the feasibility of multiplexing a variety of asynch
Digital transmission of information is becoming increasingly attractive in the telephone plant because it competes favorably both in performance and in cost for telephone service and it allows all
The Doherty system combines two methods for increasing efficiency compared with the class B amplifier: (1) lowering the impedance into which the amplifier works during the positive peaks, and (2) s
This research is an attempt to understand the effects of failures in replicated copy control on distributed database systems.