We describe a new type of transimpedance optical receiver employing optically-coupled feedback rather than a conventional feedback resistor.
P E R I O D I C function can be represented for all values of the variable by a Fourier Series.
We demonstrate an optical-frequency image-rejection mixer, which provides 20 dB image rejection at an IF frequency of 1.7 GHz and is insensitive to fluctuations in the dimensions of the optical cir
This paper describes an optical heterodyne mixer which detects a desired signal at frequency f(L.O.+-)f(IF) while rejecting interference from any signal at the image frequency f(L.O. -+)f(IF).
In this paper, we present a new concept of optical packet/burst switching suitable for generalized multiprotocol label switched (GMPLS)-based optical networks.
Progress towards an interchip optical interconnect using free space optics, GaAs multiple quantum well modulators integrated with Silicon CMOS circuitry and compatible photodetectors is discussed.
Bias electrode DC drift of LiNbO3 optical modulators becomes a critical problem when these devices operate over a long time period.
An optical traveling-wave amplifier (TWA) is used as a combined mixer and preamplifier for 1.3micron wavelength subcarrier-modulated optical signals.
A simple, low cost, infra-red rangefinder has been developed for investigation of autonomous robot cart navigation in factories and similar environments.
An Optical Repeater With HighImpedance Input Amplifier By J. E.