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We report on electrically driven amplified spontaneous emission and Lasing in tetracene single crystals using field-effect electrodes for efficient electron and hole injection.

We report the synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles that uses the low-temperature reaction of low-valent organometallic precursors.

We have studied a low etch rate organosilicon novalac resin which can be used as the base resin component of thin-imaging resists in multilevel lithography schemes.

This paper presents a set of custom chip building blocks and two digital signal processing systems constructed from them.

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Devices connected to the home network demand in many cases services which are located outside the home network.

This paper presents an over 70-GHz 4.9-Vppdiff (peak-to-peak differential) linear electro-optical (E/O) modulator Driver fabricated in III-V Lab s 0.7-mum InP DHBT technology.

In this paper a particular overflow system with queuing is analyzed.

A prominent stumbling block in the spread of the C++ programming language has been a lack of programming and analysis tools to aid development and maintenance of C++ systems.

Device-to-device (D2D) communication will likely be added to LTE in 3GPP Release 12.