Hurricanes pose great danger to the southeastern United States, causing extensive damage to life and property.
In a recent paper, we proposed the use of tightly coupled models of the vocal cords and tract for low bit rate speech coding based on an extension of ideas first advanced by Flanagan et al.
Noise reduction for speech enhancement is a useful technique, but in general it is a challenging problem.
PAs with constant power supply exhibit only high efficiency at high output power level. In other words, conventional PAs only work effectively in saturation region.
As traditional methods of powering telecommunication networks are replaced by more distributed approaches such as broadband, maintaining the present high levels of reliability and availability whil
As the capacity and reliability of mobile networks increases, so does the demand for more responsive end-to-end services: applications such as Augmented Reality, live video conferencing and smart o
A critical component in the delivery of VBR streaming video over packet-based networks, is the playout buffer at the receiver side.
Transistor blocking oscillators are finding application in digital computers1 and transmission systems2 where it is necessary to reconstruct a pulse train that has been dispersed in a noisy medium.
The "current copier technique" [1] is circuit technique enabling the sampling and holding of an analog current signal.
The unprecedented growth of IP traffic is leading Internet Service Providers and network operators worldwide to investigate architectural alternatives for cost effective, reliable, scalable and fle