Introduction: The fabrication of photolithographic masks for VLSI circuit fabrication follows a well developed processing technology outlined in Table 1.
"Thin chrome" is a major cause for the rejection of photomasks in the Murray Hill Mask Shop. This memorandum characterizes this phenomenon and identifies a working solution to the problem.
An analysis of a 2R optical regenerator consisting of a saturable absorber, a highly nonlinear fibre, and an optical bandpass filter is presented.
The 38 GHz mm-wave frequency band is a strong candidate for the future deployment of 5G wireless systems.
Uplink ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) entails dependable and almost instantaneous packet transmissions from industrial Internet of Things terminals to the serving base station.
A theory-of-elasticity-based analytical (mathematical) model has been developed, in application to an advanced ceramic electrical sensor design, for a bi-material elongated strip experiencing longi
A burst-trapping error correction procedure for error control on compound channels such as the telephone channel has been described by S. Y. Tong.
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In a flexible manufacturing system, stations are arranged along a common conveyor that brings items for processing to the stations and also carries away the processed items.
Emphasizing customer control and promoting an active and participatory role for the energy consumers are among the main facets of the future Smart Grid.