When data stations arc connected by wholly digital transmission facilities, it is most efficient to slave the clocks at the data stations to a master clock.
In a broadcast channel, a single transmitter communicates to receivers with different channel capacities, a typical example of which is the over-the-air television broadcasting.
The combination of adaptive equalization and decision-directed estimation of a fixed carrier phase offset in suppressed-carrier PAM modems by means of a gradient algorithm has been suggested by Cha
The NCUBE multicomputer is evaluated as a database machine.
With the increasing popularity of multimedia-rich web portals, reducing latency has become more and more important.
The use of current narrowband Private Mobile Radio (PMR) systems, such as Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) still has significant shortcomings for public safety networks.
Application of mechanical pre-stressing could be an effective means for achieving a failure-mode-shift-free ``destructive ALT effect{''} in electronic and photonic devices and micro-electro-mechani
Recent standardization efforts to reduce power consumption in optical access networks include the use of cyclic sleep modes to more effectively scale energy consumption with activity.
A case study of an experiment on a copper electroplating process in a printed circuit board manufacturing facility is presented.
We have applied a low coherence interferometric method to investigate the thermal tuning effects of a synchronized arrayed waveguide grating (SAWG).