853 854 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JULY 1955 ficient vary with distance along the lines.
Superconductivity can now be achieved at temperatures compatible with semiconductor device operation.
An all digital VSB demodulator for HDTV receiver has recently been developed The demodulator IC has a tuner automatic gain control (AGC) circuit which controls the RF and IF gain in the tuner This
The process of frequency conversion and its applications are well known and are extensively treated in the literature.
The limitations owing to device heating and thermo-optic effects in high-speed quantum-well microcavity saturable absorber devices are investigated both theoretically and experimentally.
Unless special precautions are taken, fiber-optic cables installed in the outside plant could experience temperatures ranging from --45°F * Plastics Engineering Consultants, Inc., Lawrenceville, GA
The mechanical response of solder joints during thermal cycling is a complex phenomenon.
The mechanical response of solder joints during thermal cycling is a complex phenomenon.
Multihop wireless networking has traditionally been viewed in the context of ad-hoc and peer-to-peer networks.
The effect of clock jitter on the dynamic range of discrete-time (DT) and continuous-time (CT) sigma-delta modulators is addressed.