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Short-channel effects in fully-depleted double-gate (DG) and cylindrical, surrounding-gate (SG) MOSFETs are governed by the electrostatic potential as confined by the gates, and thus by the device

The intensity point spread function (PSF) for geometric imaging such as occurs in a projection electron system like SCALPEL is derived analytically from the ray aberration coefficients.

Core of this paper are a analytic framework to evaluate the performance of radio access protocols and its validation through a comparison with computer simulations.

This memorandum presents a method of analysis of heat dissipation in carriers cooled with forced air.

The latest generation of fully polarimetric, ultra wideband (UWB), wide angle, low frequency, foliage and ground-penetrating synthetic aperture radars (SARs) record huge amounts of data that must b

The latest generation of fully polarimetric, ultra wideband (UWB), wide angle, low frequency, foliage and ground-penetrating synthetic aperture radars (SARs) record huge amounts of data that must h

Pattern Matching plays a central role in DNA analysis and text correlation detection.

An analytic solution has been obtained to the one-dimensional Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation that is exact to first order in an arbitrary position and time depe

The development of a simplified analytical model to describe the thermal history of a printed circuit board assembly (PCA) during convective reflow soldering is discussed in this paper.

A simplified (without phase modulator) scheme of a black box optical regenerator is proposed, where an appropriate nonlinear propagation is used to enhance regeneration.