This talk deals with techniques for analyzing data from quality engineering experiments for robust design.
In the cloud-native era, developers have at their disposal an unprecedented landscape of services to build scalable distributed systems.
One of the goals in quality improvement experiments is the identification of dispersion effects that measure changes in variability associated with the design factors.
An automated analysis of al reachable states in a distributed system can be used to trace obscure logical errors that would be very hard to find manually.
The protein folding problem - how to predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its linear sequence of amino acids - has been adequately solved by traditional statistical analysis.
The protein folding problem - how to predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its linear sequence of amino acids - has been adequately solved by traditional statistical analysis.
Queuing theory has become a standard tool for analyzing the performance of complex systems such as communications networks, computers and manufacturing facilities.
We study and further develop two language-based techniques for analyzing security protocols. One is based on a typed process calculus; the other, on untyped logic programs.
Harmonic balance and traditional time-domain simulation techniques are limited in their applicability when strong nonlinearities and multi-tone signals are both present.
Includes index.