The performance of AT&T's DR-6-30 digital radio is being monitored in a multipath environment on paths in southern California and central Colorado.
Digital radio often requires diversity protection in addition to frequency diversity. Traditionally, this protection has been achieved through space diversity.
Diversity protection is used in line-of-sight microwave digital radio systems to combat multipath fading.
The determination of the energies and dispersion relations of unoccupied electronic bulk and surface states will be discussed.
An important aspect of understanding epitaxy of CoSi sub 2 on silicon is the description of the electronic structure of the CoSi sub 2 -Si interface and of thin CoSi sub 2 layers.
Synchrotron radiation sources have allowed for the intensive study of electronic structure by momentum dependent on angle-resolved photoemission techniques.
This paper is a fairly complete technical description of the new radio system installed at Lympne and St. Inglevert operating on 17.4 cm.
We report on the detailed angular dependence of the resistive transition in single crystal and thin film Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O as a function of applied field, current and temperature.
We have measured the electricity resistivity of Bi sub (2.2) Sr sub 2 Ca (0.8) Cu sub 2 O sub (8+delta) in the vicinity of T sub c for various angles between the [CuO sub 2 ] sub (inf) double-layer
The upper critical field H(c2)(T) of NbN has previously been found to be anisotropic in films with both columnar-void and equiaxed-grained microstructures.