Various technologies for optimizing video delivery in cellular networks have been presented in the past.
In distributed storage systems, a special sub-class of locally repairable codes, referred to as availability codes, has been proposed to enable recovery of each data block from one of its repair gr
This paper studies the performance of deferred resource reservation in data networks.
Full-duplex technology has become an attractive solution for future 5th generation (5G) systems for accommodating the exponentially growing mobile traffic demand.
© 2017 International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), published under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License.
Previous work in goldfish has suggested that the oculomotor velocity-to-position neural integrator for horizontal eye movements may be confined bilaterally to a distinct group of medullary neurons
We have measured the magnetoconductance of a non- degenerate 2DEG as a function of ambient sup 4 He gas density.
Design and constructional details are given. Methods of testing the quality of acoustic rooms are discussed and details are given of the tests made in this room.
The paper presents both a theory and experimental results for angle diversity on line-of-sight terrestrial microwave paths.
In indoor visible light communication systems, transmitters are usually within the line of sight of the receiver.