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The spin polarization of the obscure even-denominator FQHE state at v = (5)/(2) remains an open, but important question to answer.

High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (HREELS) has been used to study Fermi-level pinning and surface phonon-plasmon properties of GaAs(100).

The angular distribution of photoelectrons from Above-Threshold Ionization by elliptically polarized light displays some new features not observed with linear or circular polarization.

Increased surface carrier concentration were detected from B-doped Si(111) surfaces by measuring the dispersion of plasmon-loss peaks with angle resolved HREELS.

The dispersion of plasmon-loss peaks measured with angle resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy gives evidence of increased surface carrier concentration from B-doped (10 sup (15)-10 sup (16) c

Free-space micromachined optical-switching technology has emerged as a promising means of building the large-scale optical crossconnects that will be needed in future optical-transport networks.

Using infrared absorption spectroscopy, the frequency and linewidth of the H-stretching vibration on the Si(111):H-(1x1) surface has been measured over a temperature range of 14-350K.

The Re atom in [( C sub 2 H sub 5 ) sub 4 N] sup + [H sub 8 ReP(C sub 6 H sub 5 ) undergoes significant anharmonic thermal motion both at 295 and 163K, with resulting Re-H distances that are about

The potentials for H atoms in the vicinity of the 4-fold hallow chemisorption site on the Rh(001) surface at monolayer coverage is calculated using local density functional theory, and the linear

High resolution diode-laser spectroscopy and the nonequilibrium techniques of incoherent laser saturation and transient hole- burning spectroscopy have been used to measure the relaxation dynamic