We demonstrate error-free, asynchronous packet transmission and fast simultaneous switching on four 40 Gb/s ports in a 32-port optical switch fabric.
We demonstrate dense wavelength- and polarization-multiplexed (WDM/PDM) 125-km standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) transmission using Kramers-Kronig receivers.
It is shown how the angle of incidence and exit may be controlled in a surface diffraction experiment using a 4-circle diffractometer.
High sensitivity, stability and reliability are important requirements for a satellite communication ground station receiver.
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We demonstrate all-electronically multiplexed polarization multiplexed 107-Gbaud quadrature-phase-shift-keyed (PDM-QPSK) transmission over 2400 km using coherent detection based on a real-time osci
Since its inception in the early `70s, Ethernet has gradually displaced other popular standards, such as token-ring, while becoming the de facto standard for local area networks in the enterprise o
In this letter we demonstrate a colorless Reflective Amplified Modulator operating within the C- and L-band spectral ranges with the modulation data rate up to 40 Gb/s.
We present a novel 40 Gb/s duobinary and modified duobinary transmitter design based on differential phase shift keying (DPSK) and an optical one-bit-delay interferometer.
A 40 Gb/s duobinary and modified duobinary transmitter based on an optical one-bit-delay interferometer was demonstrated experimentally.
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