We demonstrate a 40-Gbps TDM-PON over a 42-km, 64-split fiber plant using optical duobinary modulation.
We demonstrate a 40-Gbps TDM-PON over a 42-km, 64-split fiber plant using optical duobinary modulation.
We report on 40-Gb/s transmission over 2000 km of NZDSF with 100-km amplifier spacing without FEC, by using an optimized but simple dispersion map.
We investigate 40-Gbit/s RZ-signal transmission in a transparent optical network equipped with wavelength-selective optical cross connects (WSOXC's).
We report pseudo-linear transmission of a single-channel 40- Gb/s signal over non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber (NZDSF) using an integrated electroabsorption- modulated laser (EML) in the transmitt
We report pseudo-linear transmission of a single-channel 40-Gb/s signal over non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber (NZDSF) using an integrated electroabsorption-modulated laser (EML) in the transmitter
This paper reports oil the design of all optical-pulse source at a 40-Gb/s repetition rate integrating a single electro-absorption modulator (EAM) sinusoidally driven ky a 40-GHz low-power MMIC dri
Response times of 40-ps have been demonstrated in high Fe concentration (5 x 10 sup 18 cm sup -3 ) epitaxial layers of InP:Fe using pulsed- bias photoconductive sampling without radiation-damage or
We present a 40-wavelength, 100-GHz channel spacing, planar add-drop filter that has flattened passbands without excess loss.
We present a planar 40-wavelength, 100-GHz spacing, channel- dropping filter with wide in-to-through stopbands and low in-to-drop crosstalk, yet highly cascadable in-to-through passbands without si
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