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We review the principles of generation, detection, and transmission of multi-carrier superchannels based on no-guard-interval coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (NGI-CO-OFD

© 2020 Optical Society of America We demonstrate a direct-modulation and direct-detection system with a back-to-back line rate of 411.6 (net bit rate of 337.5) Gb/s using a 65 GHz DFB+R laser.

We generate a 400-Gb/s line rate signal using a directly modulated 2x4 monolithic vertical-cavity-surface- emitting-laser (VCSEL) array.

A continuously tunable optical delay line based on a two-pump parametric process in highly nonlinear fiber provided a 400-ns tuning range for a 10-Gbps optical signal.

A p.p.m.-a.m. system in which 23 communication channels are provided by a pulse train composed of channel pulses 0.5 musec wide and a marker pulse 1.5 musec wide is about to go into service.

We review recent advances in the generation, detection, and transmission of high spectral efficiency optical superchannels that utilize both orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing for optical c

We present the first CMOS ASIC to support either 4×25Gb/s eCPRI or 4×24.33Gb/s CPRI-10 traffics per optical wavelength and demonstrate 200Gb/s and 400Gb/s transmissions in O and C bands over 20 km

We report the results of a field trial carrying 400-Gb/s real-time dual-carrier PDM-16QAM signals over a 550-km-long commercial system.

We report 400Gb/s single carrier transmission over 80km standard fiber using highly integrated optics in CFP2 form factor.

We review recent field trials employing real time 400Gb/s dual-carrier PDM-16 QAM channels.