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The Actor Model is a message passing concurrency model that avoids common concurrency issues such as low-level data races and deadlocks by construction.

By integrating a monolithic lens using dry etching of the input mirror facet of an UTC photodiode, we have achieved > 4-fold improvement of alignment tolerance in the lateral axis without compro

We demonstrate a 43 Gb/s InP-HBT driver directly connected to an Electroabsorption Modulated Laser with 2.2 Vpp amplitude and -0.7 to -3,5 V internally tunable offset.

This paper presents the results obtained on X-Band GaN MMICs developed in the frame of the Korrigan project launched by the European Defense Agency.

This paper presents the results obtained on X-Band GaN MMICs developed in the frame of the Korrigan project launched by the European Defense Agency.

We measure performance of 44 Gb/s (22 GBd) PAM-4 short-reach direct detection links with a polarization-independent surface-normal electro-absorption modulator.

A PSBT/DPSK precoder IC fabricated in a self-aligned InP DHBT technology is presented. Circuit architecture is based on a very wideband static divider operating beyond 60 GHz.

We propose a novel coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) scheme with reduced guard interval (RGI) for high-speed high-spectralefficiency long-haul optical transmissi

Self-pulsation at 45 GHz repetition frequency has been demonstrated in 1.5 mu m monolithic single-section quantum dot Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers without saturable absorber.

A 38-47.8 GHz quadrature voltage controlled oscillator (QVCO) in InP HBT technology is presented. The measured output power is - 15 dBm.