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As aggressive scaling of integrated circuits continues into the next century, insulators with dielectric constants higher than SiO2 with different local bonding arrangements will be required to inc

An increasingly important issue in semiconductor device physics is understanding of how departures from ideal bonding at silicon-dielectric interfaces generate electrically active defects that limi

The bonding geometry and fundamental H vibrational frequencies for the saturated H coverage phase on W(001) are calculated with the abinitio Linear Augmented Plane Wave (LAPW) method.

The ability of rare-earth-containing lead-free solders to wet and bond to silica was investigated. Small additions of Lu (0.5-2 wt.

At present, a number of classes of organic semiconductors have been discovered, ranging from "small" molecules based on (hetero)aromatic rings, conjugated polymers, and hybrid organic-inorganic str

Proposal to IEEE Press to publish "Service Quality of Cloud Based Applications" By Eric Bauer and Randee Adams as a book.

This book is written in an informal style, and there are many figures and small examples to carry the reader along.

The document represents the Nokia contribution to the section "Solutions for Radio Frontend Implementations" as part of the chapter "HW/SW Implementation", which is part of the book "5G System Desi

Matrices over a Boolean algebra, or simply Boolean matrices, are rectangular arrays of elements from a Boolean algebra.

This article presents an original solution that we have designed to solve the problem of Boolean search over encrypted data in an outsourced server.