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We have investigated the diffusion enhancement mechanism of boron-enhanced diffusion (BED), wherein boron diffusivity is enhanced four to five times over the equilibrium diffusivity at 1050 degrees

Silicon layers containing B in excess of a few atomic percent create a supersaturation of Si self-interstitials in the underlying Si, resulting in enhanced diffusion of B in the substrate (boron-en

We have created polaritons in a harmonic potential trap analogous to atoms in optical traps.

In this paper we discuss the design and construction of a command interpreter style interface called BOSS, for a workstation configuration.

Stochastic game theory has been briefly, but productively, applied to economic models of oligopoly.

Asymptotic behavior of queues is studied for large closed multi-class queueing networks consisting of one infinite server station with K classes and M processor sharing (PS) stations.

In this paper, resource allocation for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)-based Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is investigated.

In this paper, we discuss important issues and bottlenecks faced by the next generation dense wavelength division multiplexing-based ultra high-speed optical networks.

The best bound known on 2-locally distillable entanglement is that of Vedral and Plenio, involving a certain measure of entanglement based on relative entropy.

A new method involving Doppler spectroscopy with laser techniques is proposed to observe bound state beta-decay of tritium.