Nonlinear propagation of optical pulses in fiber Bragg gratings is studied experimentally and with numerical simulations of the coupled mode equations.
We develop explicitly the description of low-intensity Bragg solitons by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
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We present a detailed experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear pulse propagation in an apodized fiber Bragg grating.
We observe Bragg peaks in the elastic back-scattering probability of monoenergetic positrons from the [0001] surface of highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite.
In topological quantum computation, quantum information is stored in states which are intrinsically protected from decoherence, and quantum gates are carried out by dragging particlelike excitation
Certain fractional quantum Hall states, including the experimentally observed nu = 5/2 state, and, possibly, the nu = 12/5 state, may have a sufficiently rich form of topological order (i.e.
The aim of this paper is to build a tool able to extract the regions from a brain magnetic resonance image that discriminate healthy controls from subjects with probable dementia of the Alzheimer t
Brainchild is a neural network designed to bridge the gap between current neural models and the brain.
The combined network design and (distributed) traffic routing problem can be formulated as a large-scale multi-period mixed integer optimization problem.