Branching at a point is defined as the order of the star graphs, K(1,n ,)n = 0,1,2,3, ....
Several routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks have been proposed in the recent past {[}Broch et al., The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Internet Draft draft-iet
We report measurements of current-voltage characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric AlGaAs/GaAs double-barrier resonant tunneling structures (DBRTS) which exhibit intrinsic bistability.
We have performed tunneling measurements on ultrathin homogeneous strong coupled superconducting Pb films in the regime where T sub c varies with sheet resistance.
The Miller-Rabin pseudo primality test is widely used in cryptographic libraries, because of its apparent simplicity. But the test is not always correctly implemented.
Taxonomy graphs that capture hyponymy or meronymy relationships through directed edges are expected to be acyclic.
Communication means and habits have evolved steadily during the entire history of humanity. However, during the last decade we observed a dramatic evolution.
A novel application of scanning transmission electron microscopy, combined with data from X-ray absorption spectroscopy, establishes that high concentrations of n-type Sb dopants distributed within
The American Physical Society (APS) convented Summary: The American Physical Society (APS) convened this Study Group to evaluate the status of the science and technology of directed energy weapons
Neutron Compton Scattering measurements presented here of the momentum distribution of hydrogen in water at temperatures slightly below freezing to the supercritical phase show a dramatic change in