In this paper we investigate the emergence of time-periodic and time quasiperiodic (sometimes infinitely long-lived and sometimes very long-lived or metastable) solutions of discrete nonlinear wave
The advent of ISDN has provided loop operations support systems with the opportunity, in fact the necessity, to go directly to the network for data and for maintenance support.
A bridge circuit for measuring time intervals from about one ten-thousandths of a second up to several seconds is described and its operation explained.
N the toll telephone plant, insulation faults such as " g r o u n d s " and "crosses" are usually located by the " Varley l o o p " method, which involves essentially the measurement of the d.-c.
In a conventional approach to high level synthesis, data-path allocation and data-path module binding are performed first, then followed by control-path allocation and control module binding.
In conventional approaches to high level synthesis, data-path allocation and data-path module binding are performed first, then followed by control-path allocation and control module binding.
The existing behavioral synthesis systems either assume a micro- architecture model (6,8,11,12,13,14) or view the target circuits as a set of finite state Machines (2,16).
A graph G is bridged if each cycle C of length at least four contains two vertices whose distance from each other in G is strictly less than that in C.
A graph G is bridged if each cycle C of length at least four contains two vertices whose distance from each other in G is strictly less than that in C.
A context management system is a distributed system that enables applications to obtain context information about (mobile) users and forms a key component of any pervasive computing environment.