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This paper address the problem of broadbanding a linear array of omnidirectional sensors.

A one-port method to calibrate the S-parameters of a long, lossy microwave transmission line in a cryogenic system is presented.

The design of the coding and decoding complexes of the PCM terminals discussed by Mayo 1 will be covered herein.

Although a critical mass of households worldwide have access to the information superhighway, the broadband consumer networking and automation market is still evolving very slowly.

Antennas which provide a good impedance match over a wide frequency range have been a topic of interest to hams for many years.

This paper presents a novel high symmetry balun which significantly enhances the performance of dipole-based dual-polarized antennas.

In this paper two transmission line architectures for intra-layer transitions in multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) are presented.

B r o a d b a n d microwave modulation of light requires the use of an extended traveling-wave structure.

Frequency dispersion of transconductance and output conductance in AlInN/GaN high electron mobility transistors is investigated in this paper.

A theoretical analysis of the broadband gain of GaInNAs SOA has been developed considering N compositional fluctuations leading to QD-like behavior.